Finished: Flight From The Trench
In the Works: Dia De Los Muertos Altar
On The Easel: 'Peckerwood'
On The Easel: 'Harper' Commission
NEEDED Exhibition
Friday October 23rd at 57 Chapel Street/Gallery 57. Come see the breadth of nine artists' work and commission someone to make art for you! If you have an idea and a price, we have artists willing to make work for you, either there on the spot or in the near future. 7 - 11 pm, be there!
Bonus piece of art goes to the person who can identify which parts are whose in the poster image.
Bonus piece of art goes to the person who can identify which parts are whose in the poster image.
Lock-In Interview
Miss JJ took this clip and was kind enough to post it. You can see just how out of it I was at the Lock-In. I'm out of town checking things out in the North East at the moment. See you soon.
Studio 57 at Gallery 57
Rorschach Artists 1
These are four of the paintings I created during the Lock-In a week ago. They're mostly of the artists that participated in the event. From top to bottom they are Spike Kittrell (painter), Mike Elder (gallery owner), Laura Olsen (photographer), and Joanna Jackson (jackess of trades). They're acrylic on canvas, one foot square.
On The Easel: 'Playing Prey,' nearly done
Lock-In Shots
The LOCK IN Was A Great Success!
Talking To AMHS Students At The Circular Congregational Church
This is a video taken by Junius Wright at the Circular Congregational Church for the show She Shall Be Called Woman. The sound is a little difficult to hear but you may be able to make out some of what I had to say about the 'Repositions Of The Virgin' painting.
On The Easel: Supermen
On The Easel: Mr. Judy in 'Supermen'
On The Easel: Playing Prey
The 24 Hour Art Lock-In
The 24 hour art lock-in is sneaking up on us! You have to come see what 20 artists can make in one day. This is going to be an art explosion. At 7pm on September 18th 20 artist will be locked in a room and asked to create as much work as possible. At 7pm on September 19th the doors will be opened to the public. DJ Jeff will spin and the crowd will buy art. Support your local artists!
Back to Work!
Red Mask preview
Big Success
Thanks everyone for coming out to She Shall Be Called Woman. What a great show. I'm happy to have been a part of it.
Post and Courier Article
City Paper Article
Post and Courier Article
City Paper Article
Finished: Reposition Of The Virgin
Well it's all done (as done as a painting can be). 'Reposition of the Virgin' oil and gold leaf on birch, 6' x 4.' This painting draws from a number of sources, most notably the 'Birth of Venus' by Sandro Botticelli on the back wall. I sought to create parallels between aphrodite/venus, the Virgin Mary and Wisdom/Sophia. There is a lightly written poem about Sophia on the back wall that is difficult to see in a photograph. Of course Mary is cast in the role of Jesus in this picture, taking the classic pose of the deposition, that is, when one is taken down from the cross, held by unseen hands, and post agony. The scraped face of modest Venus looks on passively from the background.
She Shall Be Called Woman
So the exhibition at the Circular Congregational Church in Charleston, SC is upon us. From the website about the exhibition:
She Shall Be Called Woman
is an exhibition comprising artwork, music, poetry, and discussion that aims to explore the perspective women bring to spirituality, faith and contemporary theology. Sponsored by Circular Congregational Church, She Shall Be Called Woman, is centered around an installation in the church sanctuary of works created by seven artists reflecting on the concept of woman.
The flyer has an image of 'Summoning the Beast' by me, but the final work that will hang in the show is not that but a painting that I'm just puttin the final touches on called 'Reposition of the Virgin,' which will appear here soon.
Join us Saturday at 6:30 for the show.
Flashback: Shanty Town
Flashback: Back Study (drawing)
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